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Clean and Lean Shepherds Pie

By | Nutrition, Recipes | No Comments


Thank you to Danielle and Phil for this delicious recipe for a clean and lean Shepherds Pie! 🙂









1kg turkey mince
1 onion finely diced
2-3cloves garlic crushed
4 – 5 swiss brown mushrooms finely diced
1 grated zucchini (squeeze to remove moisture)
2 tins chopped tomatoes
2 -3 tablespoons wostershire sauce (could replace with soy sauce)
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (seems weird to put this in, but it has many health benefits and you can’t taste it)
1-2 teaspoons tabasco sauce (depending how hot you like it)
Pink himalayan salt & cracked pepper

Ikg sweet potato
1 tablespoon skim milk
Pink himalayan salt & cracked pepper

Enough baby spinach to layer between mince & sweet potato

1) Cook onion and garlic until translucent. Add turkey mince and cook. Break the turkey mince up with a fork as you go.

2) Once mince is cooked add the mushrooms & grated zucchini and cook for 2-3 minutes until softened.

3) Add the tomatoes, sauces, spices and S&P then bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer uncovered for 30-40 mins until sauce has reduced (sauce should not be runny, reduce for longer if necessary).

4) Steam sweet potato, then mash.

5) Layer mince in baking dish, cover with baby spinach then sweet potato and bake for approx 1/2 hour until browned on top.

Serve with steamed broccoli.

Makes 8 serves.



Motivation, Self-Discipline and Habit – The Three Phases to Success

By | Boot Camps, Client Transformations, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Personal Training, Training | No Comments

Many of us have goals that we want to achieve, but why is it that so many people simply don’t achieve them?

As you transition from where you are now, to where you want to be, you will likely pass through the following three phases to success.

If you can understand and recognise these phases, you will overcome getting stuck, and pass through to the next level as you journey towards successfully achieving your goals.


We usually start out in the first phase which is MOTIVATION.

This is where you are feeling motivated and pumped to achieve your goal.

You have had a burst of inspiration and motivation. You are committed to achieving your goals.

Doing what needs to be done feels easy in this phase.

You are excited and motivated. Everything flows because you have Motivation!!


Then somewhere along the line the motivation fades.

You don’t feel like doing what needs to be done anymore.

Something in life might have popped up to test you.

Your routine may have been disrupted and suddenly it all becomes too hard.


Where did your Motivation go?


This is where the path ends for a lot of people.

Because they don’t feel motivated anymore, they give up. Maybe not intentionally, but actions speak louder then words.

Maybe they still want the original goal, but for some reason can’t find the motivation to keep going.


Unless, they progress to Phase Two, which is SELF-DISIPLINE.

We all have things that come up in life, and we all find it easy to do the things that need to be done when we are feeling motivated.


But when the feeling of motivation disappears, as it inevitably does, we need a bit more substance to take it to the next level.


Self-Discipline, is the secret to getting from where you currently are now, to where you want to be.

It is what separates those, from those who ‘want it’ to those who ‘have it’.

Self- Discipline is what gets you up in the morning to do your early morning jog when you really would rather sleep in.

Self-Discipline is what makes you turn up to training when you have had a distraction come up which you could use as an excuse to not go.

Self-Discipline is what makes you continue to eat healthily when you are surrounded with temptation by friends or co-workers who are eating junk and questioning your new choices.


The phase of Self-Discipline is what tests your commitment.


It can be the hardest, and if you can pass through this phase, and move to the next level, you are almost there!!


The third and last phase of achieving your goals is: HABIT.


This is where doing what it takes has become a part of who you are.

It not longer takes motivation, or self-discipline, to get you to complete the actions needed to be done.

But rather you have changed.


It is now ingrained in your new personality, lifestyle and habits.

It has become an effortless part of the new person you have become.


And that is the secret to achieving long-lasting success.


“We first make our habits, then our habits make us!” John Dryden

“We become what we repeatedly do.” Sean Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

If you would like help with achieving your health and fitness goals, give us a call or send us a message today!

How to Rope Climb

By | Boot Camps, Functional Strength, Personal Training, Training | No Comments

Hey guys,

Here is a quick video to help you with your rope climbing. Excellent for building upper body functional strength, and will also come in handy for those of you doing Tough Mudder with us or any other adventure circuits this year!

The great thing about having functional strength is – you just never know when you might need it!!

Enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to ask at training or give us a call on 1300 628 656 or send us a message today 🙂




Client Transformations – Taryn

By | Client Transformations, Personal Training | No Comments

Congratulations to Taryn for her amazing results – your dedication, positive attitude and hard work has been an inspiration!!

Taryn has been doing personal training with Ellyse for the last 6 months and has lost over 16kgs and two dress sizes, and has regained her fitness and strength and is looking and feeling fantastic.

Read her inspirational story and check out her pics below:

“I returned from a 16 month stint in Europe and beside seeing lots of countries, I saw lots of weight pile on. I came home 24kg’s heavier. Being fit when I left I had no idea how unfit I had become … That is ’till I met Ellyse. She nearly brought me to tears, nearly made me be sick and made me think twice before getting out my car on the morning of training. But that was in the beginning. I have come to love exercising again! Ellyse has gotten me through a lot. Not only how to be fit but stay fit! I will walk away from this experience with so much knowledge and determination to stick to my goals and reach them.

I have lost 16kgs and many cm’s but its the muscle and toning that really counts. I could not have done this with out the determination, persistence and pushing from my trainer. I would highly recommend Ellyse to anyone wanting to reach the fitness and/or weightloss goals!
Thank you for helping me find me again”
Well done Taryn!!!
Here is a video from the lovely Taryn herself:

Well done Taryn for your amazing results!! 🙂


If you would like to find out more about how we can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, give us a call on 1300 628 656 or send us a message today!


Weekend Detox / Juice Fast

By | Lifestyle, Nutrition, Recipes | No Comments

Cleanse and give back to your body this weekend!

Upon rising: 1 glass purified water, then:

  • 1/2 Lemon Juice squeezed in water with grated fresh ginger, small tsp honey
  • 1 hour walking, jogging, running, surfing, yoga
  • Banana Almond & Linseed Smoothie: 1 Banana, 10 Almonds, 2 tbs Linseeds, 1 tray ice, water / or rice milk, (+ Optional 1 scoop of your protein powder), honey to taste. Blend all ingredients in blender, serve in tall glass, sprinkle with cinnamon & enjoy!

  • green-juice1-150x150Super Green Juice: Apples 2 (green), Celery – 4 Stalks, Cucumber – 1, Ginger – 1 Thumb, Kale – 2 Cups (about 6-8 leaves), Lemon – 0.5. Process all ingredients in Juicer, shake or stir and enjoy!
  • Body Cleanse Detox Juice: Carrots – 4, Fresh Beetroots – 2, Celery – 4 Stalks, Spinach – 2 Cups (about 6-8 leaves), Ginger – 1 thumb. Process all ingredients in Juicer, shake or stir and enjoy!
  • Delicious Detox Soup: Celery – 4 Stalks, Broccoli – 1, Leeks – 1, Zuccini – 1, Chickpeas – 1 Cup, Garlic – 2 cloves, Onion – 1, Chillies – 1-2, Green Herbs e.g./ Bazil, Parsley, Coriander, Garlic Chives. Process all ingredients in a food processor, then boil in a pot with boiling water for approx 10mins until soft, serve in soup bowl, sprinkle with Pink Himalayan Sea Salt to taste, & enjoy!

Client Transformations – Stefania

By | Uncategorized | No Comments

Well done to Stefania Duncan who has been doing Personal Training with Ellyse and achieving awesome results! Stefania is healthier and fitter than ever before, is now 10 kilos lighter, two dress sizes smaller and has lost 6% Body Fat.

Here is what Stefania has to say about her training with Ellyse at Fresh Fitness:

“Ellyse has been an incredible Personal Trainer on my journey of fitness and weight loss. On my first session I could not even do a pushup and struggled with any cardio. She changed my lifestlye with knowledge of clean eating, strength and resistance and cardio. I’m now 10 kilos lighter, two dress sizes smaller, a lot healthier and fitter and feeling really good about myself! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Ellyse to anyone looking for assistance with their fitness and weight loss goals.” – Stefania Duncan

Here is a video from the lovely lady herself:

See Stefania’s transformation pics below:

Stefania Before Pics:


Stefania After Pics:


Well done Stefania!! Congratulations for training hard, your positive attitude and achieving amazing results!



Choc Goji Berry Protein Balls

By | Nutrition, Recipes | No Comments

4 Tbs Tahini

1 Scoop Protein Powder

2 Tbs Agave Syrup

1 Tsp Macca Powder

5 Tbs Water

2 Heaped Tbs Cacao

1 Cup mixed Goji Betties and Walnuts (Break up walnuts into smaller pieces if desired)

1/2 Cup Coconut

To Roll In: 1/4 Cup Coconut and 1 Tbs Chia Seeds


Place all ingredients in a bowel and mix together until combined.

Roll into little balls and roll in coconut / chia seed mix.


Delicious served with Fresh Strawberries!







Growing Your Own Greens!

By | Lifestyle, Nutrition | No Comments

leafy-greens-pic-300x200If you love delicious, fresh, nutritious leafy greens in your salads and green smoothies, there is nothing more rewarding then growing your own ‘leafy green’ garden to pick from each day!

We decided to start our own garden full of leafy greens about 4 months ago, and after spending less than about a day or so to set it all up, I was so surprised at how quickly our labour had paid off!

Within only a few weeks we had an abundance of lovely fresh leafy greens growing, and we haven’t had to buy any leafy greens ever since. (And we raid our garden for fresh leaves at least a couple of times every day!)

There is nothing better then picking fresh leaves from your garden just minutes before eating them!

Leafy greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help you stay in a peak state of health. Leafy greens are also rich in the natural plant compounds called phytochemicals which have been shown to have a protective effect against certain types of cancer.

There’s nothing better for you then vegetables grown out of the ground, especially when they’re from your own backyard!

Greens-1024x764Once you have done the initial set up, there really isn’t a lot of work involved to maintain it… With just a bit of water each day and sunlight you can sit back and relax and let mother nature work her magic!

Each time I visit our garden for fresh leaves, I just pull out any little sneaky weeds that try to spring up and it has been quite easy to keep on top of it.

We have grown spinich, bok choi, pak choi, a whole heap of different varieties of lettuce (which have now gone to seed), as well as giant beetroots, tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies and all of our favourite herbs.

You can start with seeds or buy seedlings already growing (we did a combination of both). And if you don’t have enough room for a large garden bed you can easily grow so many things simply out of pots.

So have some fun and let us know how you go!




New Year, New You!

By | Boot Camps, Boxing, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Personal Training, Yoga | No Comments

Happy New Year!


Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, & Amazing Year in 2013!

The beginning of the New Year is always a perfect time to stop and reflect, set new goals, and make a Fresh Start for the year ahead.

So take the time to reflect on the year that has just passed… and set new goals for what you want to achieve in the new year.

Because… “If you aim at Nothing, you are sure to hit it!”

So, looking back over the past year…

What has changed in the last 12 months?

What hasn’t changed?

What do you want to have achieved by this time next year?

What direction do you want your life to be headed in?

What are the small daily disciplines that you need to do, to get you one step closer to achieving your goals each day?

Take the time to write out a quick action plan to help keep you on track, for when life picks up the pace and things try to knock you off your path.

It takes consistent effort to stay on top of your life! So make a commitment now, to prioritise what is important to you.

Make 2013 your best year yet!

To find out more about how we can help you achieve your goals, click here now to contact us today!

*** 2013 Fresh Fitness New Year Boot Camp starting soon!! Click Here to find out more!

*** 2013 Fresh Fitness New Year Yoga Classes starting soon!! Click Here to find out more!