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Give the Gift of Health this Christmas!

By | Boot Camps, Client Transformations, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Personal Training, Training, Yoga | No Comments

images3Looking for Christmas Gift ideas for your friends, family and loved ones?

Give the gift of health this Christmas with a Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate.

Gift Certificates are available for our New Year Boot Camp, Yoga Course, and Personal Training, or you can tailor your own Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate with the gift of your choice. So help your loved ones make a healthy and fresh start to the New Year in 2013 with a Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate!

Browse the Gift Certificate options below and click to purchase. Gift Certificates can be mailed to your nominated address or picked up from our Personal Training Studio. Please ensure that you provide your contact phone number when ordering using Pay Pal.

Please feel free to give us a call on 1300 628 656 if you have any questions.

images21Fresh Fitness New Year Boot Camp $539

12 Week Boot Camp starting in January 2013 – Get Fit, Tone Up and Have Fun – Our Boot Camps utilise a combination of the most effective strength training and cardio fitness buy-nowtraining to get you fit, toned and looking your absolute best. Utilising a unique blend of kickboxing, boxing, yoga core strengthening and circuit training, our Boot Camps are designed to build muscle, burn fat and re-shape your body in a fun, fresh and motivating environment. For more information on our Boot Camp click here.


images21Fresh Fitness 12 Week Yoga Course $220

12 Week Yoga Course starting in January 2013 – Balance your Mind, Body and Spirit – Our Yoga Courses are designed to get you flexible, fitter and stronger, while relaxing and buy-nowde-stressing so that you float away from each class feeling strengthened, stretched out, calmer and blissfully relaxed. For more information on our Yoga Course click here.


images21Fresh Fitness $200 Personal Training Voucher

Our Personal Training Sessions are specifically tailored to you and your goals, to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Included is tailored help with your Nutrition and Homebuy-now Programs to help fast track your results. Training takes place in our exclusive Personal Training Studio. We have over 10 years experience and our trainers are also qualified in Kickboxing, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Life Coaching, and MMA Mixed Martial Arts. For more information on our Personal Training click here

images21Fresh Fitness $100 Personal Training Voucher

Our Personal Training Sessions are specifically tailored to you and your goals, to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Included in our Personal Training is help with your buy-nowNutrition and Home Programs to help fast track your results. Training takes place in our exclusive Personal Training Studio. We have over 10 years experience and our trainers are also qualified in Kickboxing, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Life Coaching, and MMA Mixed Martial Arts. For more information on our Personal Training click here


images21Fresh Fitness $50 Personal Training Voucher

Our Personal Training Sessions are specifically tailored to you and your goals, to ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Included in our Personal Training is help with your buy-nowNutrition and Home Programs to help fast track your results. Training takes place in our exclusive Personal Training Studio. We have over 10 years experience and our trainers are also qualified in Kickboxing, Boxing, Yoga, Pilates, Life Coaching, and MMA Mixed Martial Arts. For more information on our Personal Training click here


images21Tailor Your Own Fresh Fitness Gift Certificate

We can also tailor your own Gift Certificate to suit your budget and specifications. Just give us a call on 1300 628 656 and we look forward to tailoring something for you! To send us a message and contact us online now click here.



Call Now on 1300 628 656 if you have any questions and for more information!











Are you drinking enough water?

By | Nutrition | No Comments

waterpicWhen you drink more water you have better concentration, look healthier, feel better and function at your best.

Every cell in your body needs water from head to toe. That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid. Take for example, the brain consists of 90% water, if you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well, and you will get a headache or migraine. So the next time if you feel fatigued with a headache, it may be the sign of dehydration.

To be at your best you will have to drink enough pure water to stay well hydrated. Remember to drink fresh pure water and not sugary soft drinks or cordials because all they will do is make you get fatter by adding extra sugar and calories to your diet, and rot your teeth from all of the sugar and sweeteners.

If any one tells you different, for example that you can drink soft drinks and other sugary drinks instead of pure water all day, ask them to show you their abs and their teeth. Most times they will have a fat stomach and bad teeth. It’s said that back in the slave days of the Roman Empire, when the masters were at the markets to buy slaves, they would look at the slave’s teeth to get an indication of what his bones were like. If the slave had weak rotten teeth, they viewed it as a sign of bad health and weak bones.

A lot of people ask us about sports drinks. If you’ve just been training and sweating a lot – a good sport’s drink can replace your sodium levels and give your body beneficial electrolytes. We personally never drink sports drinks, only pure water or a home made, amino acid sports drink when we are training OR if we are really dehydrated we opt for a coconut water drink which is full of electrolites (there are heaps of coconut water drinks on the market that are pure or buy a young coconut from health shop and cut it open and drink that.

My amino acid sports drink is made up of 600 ml of water or a with a splash of grape juice, 1 teaspoon of L-glutamine and 1 teaspoon of essential and 1 teaspoon of branched chain amino acids.

To be in great shape, radiate health, strength and well being you need to drink pure water every day to keep your body functioning at its ultimate level. Some people might need more and some people might need less. This is where you will need to keep track of how much water you are drinking on a daily basis and see how you’re feeling.

The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water, depending on the body size. As a rule of thumb, 2/3 of the body consists of water, and it is the main component of human body.

  • Muscle consists of 75% water
  • Brain consists of 90% water
  • Bone consists of 22% water
  • Blood consists of 83% water

The functions of water in human body are vital. Water:

  • Transports nutrients and oxygen into the cells
  • Moisturizes the air in lungs
  • Helps with the metabolism
  • Protects our vital organs
  • Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Detoxifies
  • Protects and moisturizes our joints

Some of the harmful effects that results from dehydration are tiredness, migraines, constipation, muscle cramps, irregular blood-pressure, kidney problems, dry skin, and if you are 20% dehydrated – risk of death!

Some of the symptoms that you need more water include dark urine, dry skin, thirst, hunger and fatigue.


Thirst is the most obvious sign that you’re already dehydrated. It is always a good practice to drink more water when you’re not thirsty, don’t wait until you’re thirsty.

Most people mistaken feeling hungry as the indication to eat more, whereas in actual fact, you may be dehydrated. So before you have your meal, grab a glass of water.


Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so do the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so are you.

You will be amazed of the benefits of drinking water.

Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown.

Drinking water reduces hunger, and it is a natural appetite suppressant. Insufficient fluid can lead to over eating. You brain does not differentiate between hunger and thirst. If there is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is actually craving for water. In other words, when you think you are hungry, your body may in fact be telling you that you are thirsty!

To give you an example I have listed how much water I drink a day. I weigh around 80kg and I drink 2-3+ liters of pure water every day.

I drink about ½ to 1 litre when I first wake up to flush, clean my system and to hydrate my body ready for the day. I have a glass bottle that holds a litre of water and I refill it at least twice a day. Glass is better than plastic because some plastic containers have been known to leach toxins into the water from the bottle. I also drink an extra litre of water for very hour when I’m exercising and sweating a lot.

Most recommendations are a general rule that can vary because someone in a cold climate won’t drink as much as someone who is a hot climate where they sweat all the time. You just have to use your common sense and aim for about 2+ liters a day. I have some clients who drink 5+ liters a day because they work outside in the sun and sweat all day.

The main thing you need to do is test and measure how you feel with the amount of water you’re drinking. Feel how much more vibrant and energetic you feel after a few days of drinking ½ to 1 liter first thing in the morning and then at least 2 liters more throughout the day.

Enjoy Drinking More Water and Feeling Better Today!!!


Will You Look And Feel Your Best This Summer?

By | Boot Camps, Training | No Comments

Winter is the time that we find most people struggle to be fit and healthy… to get up out of that warm bed to exercise in the morning, to go to that training session instead of staying at home in the warmth watching TV on the couch, or to eat a healthy salad or fresh fruit instead of indulging in a warm hearty meal and overeating.

But that’s okay, isn’t it…? Any extra kilos of fat that we gain in winter hides beneath the layers of warm winter clothing we cover up in…

…until summer comes and you peel back those layers in horror to discover that you have put on weight over winter!!


So what are the smart people doing this winter?
Bootcamp Winter is the best time to get your body into shape, and to get a head start on achieving your health and fitness goals – so that when summer comes, you are already at your peak and looking and feeling your ultimate best.

Imagine how amazing you will feel, shredding those extra kilos of fat over winter and toning up, so that when summer arrives, instead of peeling back those winter layers with disgust to discover you have put on weight, you will be uncovering the new toned and terrific you!

Not only is Winter the perfect time to tone up, but the air is crisp and refreshing, making exercising outdoors even more fun and enjoyable!

At Fresh Fitness we understand that it is hard to keep motivated and stay on track during the colder months, which is why we are running our 10 Week Winter Boot Camp:

Bootcamp Training takes place outdoors in the Shailer Park / Cornubia area, and each session include a combination of the most effective strength training and cardio training to get you results faster than ever before.

Each training session incorporates a unique blend of strength and fitness training; kick boxing, boxing, yoga core strengthening, circuits and flexibility training.

Included with the Boot Camp are bonuses to ensure that you achieve your goals, including Home Programs, Nutrition Checklists, Before and After Photos, Body Measurements, Supplement Guidance, and Weekly Advice and Updates for the entire 10 weeks.

Places are limited and this Boot Camp is almost full however we have a couple of spots left, so if you want to look and feel your best this Summer, check out the details at: Bootcamp

We hope to help you achieve your fitness goals this year so that you can make the rest of your life, the best of your life!

Click the link to our website or give us a call on 1300 628 656 or email us at team@freshfitness.com.au and start achieving your goals today!

Places are limited and this Boot Camp is almost full so if you are interested make sure that you call us today to secure your place.

You will be absolutely kicking yourself when Summer comes if you don”t take the opportunity to get into shape now!


Consistency is the key

By | Uncategorized | No Comments

What a great week its been. The sun is shining, the surf”s been Pumping and Training”s always great. Balance is the key to life and doing things that your heart is into, really does make life more fulfilling.\r\n\r\nWe all have days or weeks where we feel flat or not at our best. In these times it always serves to ride this wave out by writing out a list of activities and things that make us happy and bring fulfillment to our lives e.g. watching a great movie, surfing, training etc..  So what”s on your list???\r\n\r\nman_running_at_sunrise_istock_000007134317xsmall-300x199The Key with Training is CONSISTENCY, so when you are not feeling your best there are heaps of ways to stay on track.\r\n\r\nSimple things like reviewing your training goals, planning an event or vacation that will make you want to look your best for or just watching some pump up movies (e.g. like Rocky 3, KickBoxer) that inspire you : )\r\n\r\nIf you feel burnt out, just relax over the weekend, Have Fun not training and by the next time you are ready to train you should be at 100%\r\n\r\nHave Fun, Stay Inspired, Keep Consistent and you will always progress.


Welcome to our Blog!

By | Uncategorized | No Comments


Welcome to the official Fresh Fitness blog…!

We have created this blog to give you even more training tips, nutritional advice, home work outs, videos, motivation, inspiration and lots more, to help you achieve your health and fitness goals and get into the best shape of your life!

If you haven’t already joined our free members area at our website, go tohttp://www.freshfitness.com.au and click on ‘Members’ to access our members area.

If you’d like to join us and our friends, family and clients on facebook visit:http://www.facebook.com/freshfitnesspt

Stay posted to be the first to see our brand new blog posts coming soon! :)