What a great week its been. The sun is shining, the surf”s been Pumping and Training”s always great. Balance is the key to life and doing things that your heart is into, really does make life more fulfilling.\r\n\r\nWe all have days or weeks where we feel flat or not at our best. In these times it always serves to ride this wave out by writing out a list of activities and things that make us happy and bring fulfillment to our lives e.g. watching a great movie, surfing, training etc.. So what”s on your list???\r\n\r\nThe Key with Training is CONSISTENCY, so when you are not feeling your best there are heaps of ways to stay on track.\r\n\r\nSimple things like reviewing your training goals, planning an event or vacation that will make you want to look your best for or just watching some pump up movies (e.g. like Rocky 3, KickBoxer) that inspire you : )\r\n\r\nIf you feel burnt out, just relax over the weekend, Have Fun not training and by the next time you are ready to train you should be at 100%\r\n\r\nHave Fun, Stay Inspired, Keep Consistent and you will always progress.
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